Justin Briggs: SEO in WordPress WordCamp Seattle 2013

reference slides

  1. www or not: Pick canonical name for website
  2. Permalink Settings (post name or custom: /category/post-name)
  3. Install Yoast: General/Host wide meta (check first one)
  4. Yoast: Home: homePage: Title Template
  5. no index media URLS
  6. taxonomies, ok to leave indexed, no index tags meta robots, nodex archive
  7. other: noindex author: Meta robots
  8. optimize page/post content with yoast: set target keyword/follow targeting advice (ok to ignore page analysis if doesn’t make sense)
  9. facebook &N goggle+
  10. SEO Freindly images: use dashes, not underscores  use descriptive names  (do manually each time you add image or in media gallery
  11. W3tc: Total Cache: speeds up site and minify scripts
  12. Optimize theme: one h1, a couple of h2, think of content as outline
  13. Setup Robots.txt
  14. install redirection plugin: 301 redirects: for when URL’s change, marketing URL redirects, Pretty URL’s for tracking
    1. great for marketing URL renaming: campaigns
  15. install YARPP: passive internal deep linking: link to old content (scans posts for relavency)
  16. google analytics
  17. Raven Schema Creator

24 Actionable Tips for yourblog

  1. install google analytics (put in tracking code)
  2. google webmaster tools (errors or duplicate content on website)  this is where google communicates to you
  3. Choose Good Keywords: Use google keywords adwords tools (use some words to find keywords that can appear in your content)
  4. Target Longtail content:  little search numbers but highly targeted: seattle real estate vs back bay apartnment rental (tool is uber suggest
  5. setup google author ship
  6. content hub: one large topic with many supporting smaller content below, all cross linke
  7. Write Content That Inspires (Ted Talk: Golden Circle: people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it)
  8. Meet Bloggers in Real Life – go to meet ups – make stickers
  9. do outreach for your content: find people who might want to talk about it:  use google
  10. follower wonk: find influencers on Twitter
  11. take advantage of SERPs diversity: signiicate promotion of local content oon generic SERP
  12. create new content types: Like Q&A create a knowledge base
  13. google page speed tool
  14. edit sitemap entry: Video SEO:
  15. create survey content
  16. translate & repurpose content
  17. interactive content
  18. create diagrams: powerpoint is a good tool
  19. make hard content simple
  20. steal Repurpose great content: Link building by imitation: how to steal your way to #1
  21. MUST BE Responsive design: one set up content adjusts to device  follow @sarah
  22. fix blog subdomain with reverse proxy
  23. Host Assets on CDN (for large or international)
  24. test…
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